Have a wonderful week!

Wood Duck ( Drake )

Pacific Wren 2021

Wood-Duck ( Juvenile Male )


Window View from the Blue Crab Restaurant-Victoria-BC 7072

Saanich Inlet

2017-12-15_18-21-31 Victoria Harbour

Spring Blossoms

this photo was featured on Cheknews , our local tv show . March 5th


Bird's Eye View-Butchart Gardens-Victoria Brithish Columbia-Canada 02492

Landscape in a golden light

Victoria City British Colombia Canada-18

HDR winter series .. 912 Linden ave

Victoria Harbour

Tiny dancers

Victoria - 2021 01 14

Pheasant Lane Pathway

721 Government Street

Skywalk Establishing Shot

Olympic Mountains Washington State

Liquid sunshine

Fisgard Lighthouse

Strait of Juan de Fuca

Angry Waves

Winter series


Salish clouds

Lost horizon

Brotchie Reef Light

Liquid sunshine

Even Flow, Sooke River, Vancouver Island, BC, Canada

Cloudscape viewed from Christmas hill Saanich BC

2018-09-26_15-06-04 Fern Garden

To give light to those who hope for it

Selkirk Trestle Bridge

2018-12-06_13-18-41 Tree on a Hill

North America’s oldest Japanese Garden, the original Kishida/Takata Gardens

Houseboats in Victoria

Winter series