Werkzeugkasten mit Rückspiegel / Tool Box With Rear-View Mirror

State Capital Tower & Dome, Hartford, Connecticut

Water Color Tulip

God Created All Men, But Samuel Colt Made All Men Equal

View of Hartford Sky from Glastonbury, CT

Day 25: Connecticut

durham engine 1 (view 2)

Looking up into a grey sky

cromwell utility 3 (view 2)

westfield tower 6 (view 2)

westfield rescue 3 (view 3)

O'Rourke's Diner neon sign before restoration

cromwell ladder 3 (view 4)

Interior Fire Damage to O'Rourke's Diner, Middletown, CT

Hartford Yard Goats game

Hartford Skyline

Northam Towers Pass-through (1878), Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut

Woodland Meadow.

westfield EMS 7 (view 2)

'gold in the grid

A sight for sore eyes.

Hartford Connecticut ~ Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art ~ Entrance

Softly As An Evening Sunset

Sternchen auf schiefer Bahn / Asterisk Aslant

Hartford Connecticut ~ Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art ~ Gallery

Hartford Connecticut~ Traveler Insurance Tower ~ Wadsworth Anthenum Museum

Hartford Connecticut ~ Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art ~ Entrance

Parklandschaft / Landscape Park

State Capitol [Explored on 9/8/18]

Golgatha / Calvary

475 @ Hartford Yard

Silhouette of Downtown Hartford

Fall in Hartford

The Suburbs

Brownstone Exploration & Discovery Park II

Reaching for the Sky

Salmon Brook.

Autumn in New England - Out The Window

Paisley Dragon

Winter sun on trees