Divine Providence

Bursting Through Deception Go i

2010-09-14 Sunset (02) (1024x680)

Sunset In Island Paradise

Smartly Me Hearties, Weigh Anchor! Hoist the Colors!!

a view from the bridge...

Don't Be Deceived - Explored

2010-04-24 Sunset (1024x680)

Cranberry Lake

San Juan Islands at Night


View from Mount Erie

2010-09-03 Sunset (07) (1024x680)

Churning Seas and Ancient Tree - San Juan Islands WA

2010-01-21 Great Blue Heron (01) (1024x680)


Whidbey Sunset

2010-03-17 Sea Voyager (1024x680)

2015-01-06 Red-tailed Hawk (02) (1538x680)

2010-09-14 Sunset (05) (1005x670)

Evening Mist

Summer Shower [Cooling Off]


2009-09-11 Sunrise (03) (D40 Archives) (1024x680)

Heavenly Father - Bon Iver


2012-07-13 Sunrise (1024x680)

2011-06-23 Sunset (02) (D90 Archives) (1024x680)

Bridge over Deception Pass


2010-12-31 Sunrise (01) Cap Sante to Mount Rainier (D90 Archives) (1024x680)

Within Reach

2014-02-26 Sunrise (03) (1024x680)

2012-09-30 Sunrise (08) (1024x680)

Anacortes Ferry Beach