Shades of Gold

End of a Perfect Day


View from a French Quarter Window

FGR: Hotel Lafayette

Rubensteins, NOLA

By Dawn's Early Light

Back to Reality

Clouds over Jackson

Call to Kings

Crescent City Connection

Contemplating Inner Desires

Pride of New Orleans

TRP: After the Greek fishing incident, Siegfred always felt a little down when he passed 714 Carondelet.

Water lily in B&W....

Water Lily ~ New Orleans Botanical Garden........D700

TRP: Palms


Louisiana Owned

cats claws and tires

Dumaine St

New Orleans ~ Louisiana ~ Jackson Square ~ New Orleans Mint ~ 2003

Saint Louis Cathedral

Bridge to the Upper Ninth Ward

Sundown conversation

New Orleans

Jackson Square

One Foot in Front of the Other

The space between us

Post-Katrina New Orleans: A Piano Forever Silent

Tunnel Vision

The Mighty Mississippi

Coliseum Square, New Orleans, LA.

Moseying Along

New Orleans La ~ Jackson Square AKA Place d'Armes ~ Historic

New Orleans

the Natchez, docked in New Orleans

Autumn Reflections

Hola, Nola.


Lafreniere park