Flew into the Night Clouds

Someone Had Ever Been Loved

SFO’s Saturday Night

Gray Whale Cove Beach

California Coastline

Montara, California (USA)

[Rolling...] at San Andreas Lake, San Bruno, CA

Sunset Spot

Montara Coast in Motion | Montara, California (USA)


Do you see me?

Fragments of the Sea | Montara, California, USA

Moments in Time | Montara, California (USA)

Grand View

Sunset from Pacifica Pier

folds of oblivion

Pier to Sunset

A380 Fog Vortex

AS 238 SFO-LAS 11FEB2022

Departing SFO

The Wizard's Hat and Wand

Crystal Springs Reservoir

Pillar Point Reef

Fitzgerald Marine Reserve

The other side of the dunes.

Beach Therapy

Wave watching....

Chilling at Half Moon Bay


tom lantos exit

Stream & Ocean|Rockaway Beach, California

Just Passing by at Sunset - All Clouds

Soothing sound of waves

Sunset @ Poplar Beach , Half Moon Bay

Delta Air Lines Boeing 717 N994AT

Sunset at Rockaway Beach #2


Emirates Airbus A380-861 A6-EOE