Fisher's Landing, AZ (#0842)
Imperial Dam, Hidden Shores, AZ (# 0818)
Imperial: stitched view of water released to desilting/AAC
Imperial: Wide view looking downstream
Down Another Dirt Road!
Imperial: Wide view looking upstream
Gazing at the Sea of Gold
Relaxing Mittry Lake
Follow The Water
Follow The Water Around The Bend
That Arizona Sun Shining Over Kofa
And Finally... Mittry Lake
The Way To Mittry Lake
Cutouts of Mittry Lake
Imperial Reservoir
Kofa National Wildlife Refuge, Arizona
Castle Dome Peak (left) and Thumb Peak (right)
California Sand dunes
GMC Desert Proving Grounds
Squaw Lake Campground
Yuma Sunset
Crew Chief
Tethered Aerostat Radar System
Mittry Lake Road
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