The Goblet

8-19-2021, Youngstown & Southeastern, Southern Blvd, Pleaseant Grove, Youngstown, OH-9983

2021 08-19 1236-6 Y&S GP10-8340, GP9RM-7225, GP16-1706 W/B in Southside Youngstown, OH

i have a ghost now what?

Oak Hill Cemetery

Trail at Mill Creek Park

I'm just trying to get my CB radio repaired.

Mill Creek MetroPark - Suspension Bridge. “Sometimes, if you stand on...a bridge and lean over to watch the river slipping slowly away beneath you, you will suddenly know everything there is to be known.” --Winnie the Pooh

Mill Creek Park - View of Mill Creek from Suspension Bridge

Fellows Riverside Gardens - Glacier Lake

Mill Creek Park - View of Mill Creek from Suspension Bridge

Mill Creek Park - View from Suspension Bridge

Fellows Riverside Gardens - Forest Valley

Fellows Riverside Gardens - Glacier Lake

Mill Creek Park - Mill Creek from Suspension Bridge

Fellows Riverside Gardens - Rotunda

Mill Creek Park - View Valley Drive from Suspension Bridge

Mill Creek Park - View of Mill Creek from Suspension Bridge

Fellows Riverside Gardens - Rotunda

Fellows Riverside Gardens - Rotunda

Fellows Riverside Gardens - Glacier Lake

Lake Newport

The Bark

Sunset on bike trail

Lanterman's Mill

Trippy Drippy

Mill Creek

Crisp Sunrise


Sunset at Lake Milton with my little bird.....Perfect!!

A walk at the beach

Lily Pond, Mill Creek Park

After the Rain

Lanterman's Mill

Youngstown-Former YS&T Office Building (CORF)

Youngstown-Former YS&T Office Building (CORF)

Austintown Plaza from memory, two