Dancing Under the Trees with the Wind as My Music (Cuyahoga Valley National Park)

May It Suffice for Me to Look Upon the Beauty of Trees and All Things Green (Cuyahoga Valley National Park)

Love Defined

Reflections of a Barn with Red Trimming (Cuyahoga Valley National Park)

I Sing a Song to the Stillness of Waters and the Reflections I Am Granted to See (Cuyahoga Valley National Park)

With All the World's Alarms, I Found Solace Amongst the Trees (Cuyahoga Valley National Park)

An Untitled Idea from Another (Cuyahoga National Park)

I Asked for God to Grant Me a Blessing and Realized It Was All Around Me in the Woods (Cuyahoga Valley National Park)

Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad - Steam in the Valley (2014)

Oh Sweet is the Thought When I Spied Upon a River While Walking Amongst the Forest (Cuyahoga Valley National Park)

Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad - Steam in the Valley (2014)

Cleveland Metroparks - Bedford Reservation - Tinkers Creek Gorge Scenic Overlook

Sunrise at the Hinckley Reservation - Cleveland Metroparks

Cuyahoga Valley Scenic Railroad - Steam in the Valley (2014)

Everett Bridge 2

Colorful day on the farm

Fall of Brandywine Falls


Honeysuckle Delight

Night's Edge

Reflections of a Wetlands

Indigo Lake

Brandywine Falls Sunrise

Creek Crossing


North Western on the Valley

Landscapes 2015

Blue Hen Falls


Reflection of the Cuyahoga

Hale Farm

Blue Hen Falls

The Carriage Factory

Lawn seats <3

Beautiful Brandywine Falls

Blue Hen Falls - Cuyahoga Valley National Park.

Blue Hen Falls | Cuyahoga Valley

One of our very favorite parks. #peacefultillthehighschoolstudentsarrived

Brandywine Falls

Running towards the light