A "super bloom" of colors at the Silver Wing Monument, San Diego, California

A "super bloom" of colors soaring at the Silver Wing Monument, San Diego, California

Field of Flowers

TJ fence 7-16-16

Mayflower Trailer

TJ port of Entry 8-16-14

Black-and-white Warbler (Mniotilta varia)

Tijuana Panorama Desde el Cerro Colorado

dos épocas

San Ysidro, California

I'll Show You A Window On The World With A Lovely View

patio de escuela

A "super bloom" of colors at the Silver Wing Monument, San Diego, California

Mater Dei Sunset... Merry Christmas Everyone!

California Dreamin'

Happy Easter!

View of TJ from Norte Brewing

US Border Control

Frome One Photographer To An Other

Tijuana, Mexico

Logotipo en 3D

Seabirds on the Pacific

The Pacific Ocean at the US / Mexico Border

Otay Lakes at Dusk

JArdín desértico en la prepa

Pfft some wall

June Afternoon

Magical Sunrise

Beach at the Border Field State Park - Imperial Beach CA

Días_Pedaleando (1 de 22)

US - Mexican Border Fence at Border Field State Park - Imperial Beach CA

Beautiful Otay Lake at Dusk

Sunset at Mater Dei

Frente al sol y la marea

Radiant Sunset

Playas de Tijuana at US - Mexican Border at Border Field State Park - Imperial Beach CA