Morning view in village

Morning view in village

Sunrise from bungalow

Sari cobek bungalow and hotel

Worm's eye view of bamboo trees tunnel

Tropical scenery

{ Mountain Farming } On the way from Pangalengan to Rancabuaya Beach, you will be thrilled with mix of eerie feeling due to winding, ups and down and narrow road combine with amazing beautiful views of Sunda Land ???? #SonyAlpha #A7s #SEL24240 #mr

View from the train

View from the train

View from the train

#nature #view #schoolevent

Breathtaking view of mount #papandayan.

View from hutan mati, #papandayan. Another solo trip I took back in August. The story is up in the blog, link in my profile! ????????

Tower from bottom up view

Papandayan Mountai

KLoo kata Ryadus Kaya DiFiLm SrigaLa Vs Vampire :V ahahahaa Best View Post 3 Mount Cikuray Menuju PuLang >12-13 january 2015< ???? Shoot By Sony Xperia Z3 #Adventure #CLimber #Backpacking #Cikuray #BackToNature #Backpackers #CLimbing #Camping #We


Good morning people! Get ready for a long holiday again this week. ???? #Photo title: Enjoying the morning view #selfphoto #Kamojang #Garut #WestJava #ExploreGarut #Resorts #Villas #hotel #livefolk #livefolkindonesia #liveauthentic #potd #picoftheday

Garut Rice Field


Cornering in rice field

''Morning has broken''

Ricefield in Pangandaran - Java - Indonesia

they are (still) in the road

Rice Field at Samarang, Garut.

Mulih Ka Desa

from Bandung to Kutoarja

The Karangsari Railway Station

Argo Willis 2

Tergugah hatiku #ig_great_pics #indonesia #photooftheday #photogrid #girlswhokissgirls #landscape #garut #tasikmalaya #canon #canonindonesia #travel #traveling #travelgram #traditional #geonusantara #nature #iso #national

Indonesia October 2015

Situ Cangkuang

{ Endless Beauty } I always love creating glowing effect using morning sun rays and make it as the backlight ???? #SonyAlpha #A7s #SEL24240 #mrtaufik #KebunMawar #FlowerPlantation #Samarang #Garut #SituHapa #Kamojang #roses #backlight #landscape

Ricefield of Tasikmalaya on Java - Indonesia

Sampireun, Garut, West Java #4

At the isle

Sampireun, Garut, West Java #1

A landscape of Rice Fields on Java