Mississippi Sunset

Deep Depth of Clover Field (105)

Louisiana State Capitol - Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Old Louisiana State Capitol - Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Mississippi River - Baton Rouge, Louisiana

High, high atop this parking garage.

Poisoned to death in downtown Baton Rouge.


Capitol View

Views of the I-10 Mississippi River Bridge

Views of the I-10 Mississippi River Bridge


Louisiana State Capitol Building, Baton Rouge, LA.


the Riverfront at dusk

Good Morning

0127 Untitled (side view)

08-18-12; Capitol Annex, Downtown Baton Rouge, Mississippi River as viewed from the observation deck of the state capitol, Baton Rouge LA #capitolannex #capitol #capitolcomplex #capitolbuilding #downtown #downtownbatonrouge #downtownbatonrougela #downtown


Bee’s-eye View #2

full front view

after the fall

St. Gabriel Ag. Research Center

Pennington Balloon Fest Sunrise

Sun finally!

Sun finally!

Paradise Lost

7th day leftovers

greetings from Louisiana

LSU Lakes at Sunset - Baton Rouge, LA

St. Gabriel Ag. Research Center

reaching out

a day without friends is like a day without sunshine...

Rain then sun and now it looks like rain again.

Ok and another #GoTeamCloud!

'n this


From The Bay to BTR

Burning Through the Fog

fire in the mist

play misty for me...

End of Summer