Wintertime at Staffelegg

Aarburg Bblues

Steam in the distance

Aarburg Spring

Golden Morning

Daybreak Above The Fog

Waves Of Fog

Golden Morning


Oberbölchen - explored!

Autumn colors from bird's-eye view

Playing in the river

Hauenstein - Alpensicht mit Föhnloch

View of my homeland

Dusk On Wisenberg

View of the Alps from the Wiesenberg

paint the forest winter

Soaking In The View

Erdrutsch / Landslide Eptingen, Baselland 1969

Freak out!

Running water


Hike it. Like it.

Autum at the River Aare

Jura Höhenweg

Sonnenaufgang auf der Staffelegg

Re 620-043

Br 193 415 BLS - Murgenthal

sunrise @Belchenflue, Basel-Land / Solothurn

???????? Westbound freight @ Zeihen


somewhere between

Autumn river

A Winter day...

Sommer 2015

Summer inspiration

Aarburg Castle

Rosée des prés

???????? Train 60136 @ Zeihen

The golden fields

Lonely, but not alone