Going home. View towards Tromsdalstind

Southern view

Nothern view

Big trip river crossing

Moon over Nakkevannet

Nice view

View towards Jiehkkevarri and Goverdalen

From Fugldaldsfjellet to Jiehkkevárri

Sneak peak to the south

An other route

Big trip scenic valley

"He's not wearing much, is he?"

What about a spectacular view for lunch?

A nice little view to the south-east

On the ridge

View towards the Lyngen Alps

sunshine on the road

Glacier coming over the edge

Holmbukttind (1666)

Nakkevatn #2

Snow showers over Laksvatn in June

Nakkevatn #1

Don't change it

To the ones staring at the sun...

Gjømmerdalsbreen, Laksvatn

Hamperokken - A classic mountain in Tromsø

Paisajes Noruegos

Part of glacier

Paisajes Noruegos

Small glacier below Lakselvtindane

Päätin jättää laskukamat kotiin ja jännäilin koko matkan, olisko edes oikeassa nivusessa laskumahiksia. Onneks ei tullut otettua turhaan niitä kamoja. Lunta on tuolla 800-1200 metrissä, eikä sekään näytä olevan kunnolla yhtenäinen.

Per and His Boat

Paisajes Noruegos
