El bosc sagrat de Naiku / The sacred forest of Naiku
Purificar-se al riu Isuzu / Ablution place in the Isuzu
View of "Only bottle & grape #I" - Saturday, 12 April 2014 - 01:32 GMT+0900
La segona torii de Geku / the second torii of Geku
La nena i el riu / The girl and the river
Naiku Jingu
A View from Uji Bridge
L'entrada de Geku / The entrance to Geku
Toba Castle Terraced Walls
The Walls of Toba Castle's Honmaru
Toba Castle Restored Wall
Natura sagrada / Sacred nature
El pont Uji vers Naiku / Uji bridge, the gate of Naiku
View of "Square Face #1" - Monday, 30 March 2015 - 14:05 GMT+0900
View of "Simply clouds" - Monday, 14 April 2014 - 06:23 GMT+0900
0642: Foot onsen this morning w the sunrise #ryokan #resort #islands #ocean #Toba #Mie #japantravel #view #lgls2015trip #port
Verd intens / Intense green
El sancta sanctorum ocult / The hidden sancta sanctorum
Toba, view from hotel window
Meoto Iwa or the Loved one-and-loved one Rocks
Forest green
near Ōminatomachi, Japan
五十鈴川2 #shrine
Toba Harbur
Santuário Xintoista
Meoto Iwa Color
2012-08-04 17-45-59
20130301 Ise Jingu 2
Toro in Ise
Toba Harbur
The couple rocks.
再見惹伊勢灣! #訪日友人 #觀光客美姿美儀標準認證
Meoto Iwa or the Loved one-and-loved one Rocks