Poinsett Bridge near Highland, SC

A Nasty Habit

Wash Your Own Dishes, Don NOT Let Them Pile Up in the Sink!


Pearson Lower New Trail - Read Description

Pearson's Falls

PV McCain Traffic Lights

Orange Peppers

PV McCain Traffic Lights

PV McCain Traffic Lights

90/365 ~ Saluda Cottages, Flat Rock, NC

Flat Rock Village Hall

Pearson's Falls-through the Trees

Sunset shadows

Belmont Coal Train Passing Saluda Depot, 1967

Apple Pickin'

Once-staff members Dean Mayer and Mark Bailey view the remnants of The Boathouse, the waterfront-staff cabin where they once spent their summers on staff..

Bradley Falls Side View


Just a Trickle

PV McCains Traffic Lights

Autumn Maple Trees Fall Foliage - Wonderland

Poinsett Flow

Gentle Falls on the North Pacolet River

Gentle North Pacolet

North Pacolet River II

Water Dancing on the Rocks

Pearson Falls - BW

Peaceful Trail

Falls Along the Pacolet

Small Waterfall at Pearson's Falls

Woods' Edge

Pearsons Falls

Pearson's Falls, N.C.

North Pacolet River III

Bright's Creek Golf

Pearson Falls II

Moss on River Rock

Moonlight in the Foothills

Morning Mist

Straight or Not