Broadside view

Hayley The Salt And Pepper Cat, She Lays And Watches As My Girlfriend Gets Her Hair Cut. Notice The Yellow Eyes

Caramel, The Devil's Cat

La Belle Julie, The Beautiful Julie, I Snapped This Portrait De Mon Amoureuse

1280 x 1024 Citabria _DSC1926

1920 x 1080 Citabria _DSC1926

2560 x 1600 Citabria _DSC1926

Mr.Caramel R.


Broken glass

Champ Des Bulles.

Champ Des Bulles.

Lunch with a view part 2

Caught Him Creeping

Vastness Of Winter, Cannot Escape It Nor Can You Out Run It.

Avionics DSC_4765 copie

Church spire out of the trees

Clouds, Skies, Sunsets.

Clouds, Skies, Sunsets.

Clouds, Skies, Sunsets.

Clouds, Skies, Sunsets.

big tree...

Rivière de l'Ouest, Brownsburg-Chatam, Qc DSC_5822 copie

Brownsburg-Chatam, Qc DSC_5824 copie

Blueberry Hill Bistro

Out of the snow!

Ferry across the Ottawa River

131012 Promenade de la Rivière, Brownsburg-Chatham -9429

Fields from Above

131012 Promenade de la Rivière, Brownsburg-Chatham -9427

On a slippery slope

131012 Promenade de la Rivière, Brownsburg-Chatham -9411

131012 Promenade de la Rivière, Brownsburg-Chatham -9416

Moon above the land

Dernière coupe

Stone marker on the remnants of the first lock and canal of the Carillon Canal in Carillon, Quebec

Frozen Ottawa River

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Canola Field before arriving in Quebec

Rivière du Nord, Complexe Ayers, Aéroport de Lachute CSE4, chemin de l'île aux Chats

Rivière Rouge, Grenville, Québec

En base pour la piste 10 Lachute CSE4 tbase for runway 10