In the forest

An adult Black-collared hawk (Busarellus nigricollis)

An adult Black-collared Hawk (Busarellus nigricollis)...vocalizing its feelings...and it's not happy

Point du jour | Night break

Au milieu des pierres | Between the stones

Jaguar (crossing the swamp)

Au pied de la colline | Down the hill

Visiteur | Visitor

Crépuscule brumeux | Misty twilight

Au pied de la colline | Down the hill

James Webb Space Telescope's Golden Mirror

Crépuscule bleu | Blue Dusk

Deployment test of Webb’s secondary mirror

Orange Julia Longwing in love

Magali B.

Happy blues

Puma (I'm that cool)

LISA Pathfinder ready for launch

Cobaye | Guinea-pig

Report Amazonas, rainforest (reedited)

Going to space

Hi life

Marée descendante | Downward tide

Cocoi Heron (Ardea cocoi)

margens do Rio Oiapoque, Parque Nacional Montanhas do Tumucumaque

L'attente du soleil | Waiting for the sun

Arbres sacrés | Sacred trees

Exploring the shore

Louange du matin | Morning celebration

Rain is coming

First hot firing of P120C motor for Vega-C and Ariane 6

Rendez-vous manqué | Missed appointment

Valente and Juma fighting...

L'attente (en vain) | Waiting (in vain)

Sec et chaud (crépuscule) | Dry and hot (twilight)

Central Algeria

De l'autre coté | The other side