On Main Street, Brookville, Indiana

Whitewater Valley, Cedar Grove, Indiana

HDR Jesus

A View To The Garden

A view of the Duck Creek Aqueduct

God's art- view on black

Post Office, Brookville, Indiana

Tail Frame 12/52

Light at the end of the tunnel


Flooded Big Four Depot, Brookville, Indiana

North Main Street, Brookville, Indiana

Schuck Brothers, Cedar Grove, Indiana

Schuck Brothers, Cedar Grove, Indiana, section 1

Schuck Brothers, Cedar Grove, Indiana, section 2

Post Office, Brookville, Indiana, section 1

French Bros. Creamery, Brookvile, Indiana

Post Office, Brookville, Indiana, section 2

Whitewater Valley, Cedar Grove, Indiana, section 1

Whitewater Valley, Cedar Grove, Indiana, section 2

Cedar Grove Bridge deck view

Gordon's Lock, #24

I find these rural wooded areas in the mountains pretty creepy. More of a reason to explore the back roads if Hwy 52

Lock 29 - Jinks

Lock 21 - Yellow Bank

Wet fur with higher contrast

Big Four train near Laurel, Indiana

Lock 26 - Murray's

Big Four train near Laurel, Indiana, section

Lock 29 - Jinks

Lock 28 - Simonton


2010-10-30 at 09-25-05

2010-10-30 at 09-52-15

2010-10-30 at 09-13-52


2010-11-06 at 09-12-50

2010-10-30 at 09-31-20

2010-10-30 at 09-44-13

2010-10-30 at 09-48-51

2010-10-30 at 10-02-09

Morning Layers