rust fly (Chyliza)

rust fly (Chyliza)

Dragonfly Dreams

orbweaver (Araneus cingulatus)

rust fly (Chyliza)

Grape Phylloxera (Daktulosphaira vitifoliae)

syrphid fly (Sphaerophoria contigua)

IMG_9841 - Carbon & Concrete

Grape Phylloxera (Daktulosphaira vitifoliae)

Dimorphic Macalla (Epipaschia superatalis)

encyrtid (Family: Encyrtidae)

orbweaver (Araneus cingulatus)

Spined Soldier Bug (Podisus maculiventris)

predatory stink bug (Podisus)

orbweaver (Araneus [possibly niveus])

View of the ridge line from the Brompton

chalcid wasp (Family: Eulophidae)

Spined Soldier Bug (Podisus maculiventris)

orbweaver (Araneus [possibly niveus])

orbweaver (Araneus [possibly niveus])

metallic wood-boring beetle (Anthaxia)

October Mist

Fonthill Gate

Smith Pond

I Zimbra


2013 January 13 Peace Valley fog-9


Clouds Over Weeds

Up in fog - В туман

Winter Fields

Lake Sunset

Waiting on a Train

Skipping Stones

Perfect day for kite flying.

Dreams of Dortchen Wild

Good Morning Winter!


Horse Farm - Beautiful Fall Day

Song Sparrow (Melospiza melodia)

Gentle Giant

P is for Pretty... #day3 #fmsphotoadaynovember #photochallenge #fallcolors #fall