I Better Get A Drink Before . . . ~ Scroll down ↓ to view more:

Meadowbrook Hall

Admiring the view. #snowboarding #freshsnow #winter

20th century building with planters and barrels.

Pontiac Yard

The Crossing

Meadow Brook Hall, Rochester, Michigan

Lake Sixteen Lifesaver

The season's first tiger lily

Gold Ice

Wake up!

Hot Date!

Caching Peanuts - Scroll down ↓ to view more photos in this series:

Blue Jay - Scroll down ↓ to view more photos in this series:

The Princess Blue Jay Story-Part II

Suet Lovers

What day is it? Why fence friday of course!

Happy Valentine's Day Junco!

Gungle Jym

The Wheat

Henna Scarf

HFF-old wooden post fence and country lane vanishing point (Explore!)

Pathway to the Enchanted World

Beauty on the Balcony ~

Lone Tree caught between the earth and the sky

Stand by the Pond on that Autumn Day

Indianwood Rainbow

Square Sunset

In the Distance

Evening Forest

Fog on Paint Creek trail

Dock at Orion Oaks

Sunrise chasing my dog. Iphone 5s.

Square Lake Mirror (Explored)

As the ocean surged, the fog rolled in (Explored!)

Across the Pond

Two Frosted Leaves

HFF-a dark mood on the Paint Creek Trail


Fun with photography. ????


House Finch