Ice Trail

Lost Creek

Rocked my face off

Peters Tower

Lack of color

Parachute deployment

Two Towers

Not Forgotten

The Beast

First Time At First Creek

here are some things that time can not mend.

View of the apocalypse, no one's watching

Family photo

And either way you turn, I'll be there

Jesus -- in quicksand

29/365 A different view of a monstrosity.....

Why does it always rain on me

View from the photo pit in semi-final day @cincytennis #cincytennis

Caesar Creek Lake View

Terminator Jesus

Caesar Creek Lake View

Right Under My Nose

Once it held laughter, once it held dreams...

HorseShoe Falls

Summer Sunset

2011-05-07 at 09-30-14

Bold Fawns!

Thanksgiving Barn

2011-05-07 at 08-44-00

Nature...we meet again

Bryce ready for kick off

2 June 2012 (245/365)

Bryce at soccer practice. Always cool clouds.

Bryce playing defense under the rainbow clouds!

Dayton Bridge Lights

Bryce going to the goal!

Sun's rising on a choppy glare

Horseshoe Falls

Caesar's Creek Trail

Fog rolling in after soccer practice