the corn crib

I think our view it gets more beautiful everyday #sunset #relax #timetochill #timetorelax #evening #evenings #peaceful #view #views #cabin #lovemylife

Getting inspired while watching the sun sink! #lovemyjob #cabin #lovemylife #country #cabinlife #sunset #relax #timetochill #timetorelax #evening #evenings #peaceful #view #views #loxley #alabama #sun #inspired #inspiration

the tree on the farm

Long Tailed Skipper 3

Carolina Satyr 2

Common Buckeye 2

Eastern Meadowlark 2

Monarch 19

Halloween Pennants (mating)

Spangled Skimmer 3

Four - Spotted Pennant 3

Long Tailed Skipper 11

Common Buckeye 6 on common boneset

Painted Lady 7

Common Whitetail (Immature male) 3

Carolina Saddlebags 3

Alabama Dirt Road

Roseate Skimmer 17

Horace's Duskywing Skipper 2

Persimmon Creek, Baldwin County, Alabama

Persimmon Creek, Baldwin County, Alabama

Persimmon Creek, Baldwin County, Alabama

Styx River, Alabama