Taking a Stroll on the Beach

Navesink Twin Lights Sunrise

Piping Plovers - Mother & Chick

Piping Plover

Twin ~ Lights - Highlands in Monmouth County, NJ

Glorious Sunrise


North End at 7 Presidents Oceanfront Park

United States Life Saving Station # 2 (Spermaceti Cove )

Three Houses || Brothers 2/3

Dusk at Cheesequake

Swoopy Gazebo Roofline Abstract I

Voodoo Bunker Panel Paintings - Sandy Hook NJ - IV

Voodoo Bunker Panel Paintings - Sandy Hook NJ - XV

Golden-crowned Kinglet

Oceanport Sunset

Water Lily

Nature Wait

Contrasting Views

Vulture's Tower

7/6/14 Sunset Fades to Dusk -- 8:37 PM

The Colors That Show Up Late 來得遲的色彩

I like the red ones

Molten Morning

Summer is a Distant Dream

Summer is a Distant Dream

Patten Point

Rhythm of the Sea

Another Perspective

Morning has broken

Sun Up (112/365)

Let the Blue Hour begin

Rhythm of the Sea

An Awakening

Take to Flight

Amber Explosion

Take To Flight

Sunset and Calm Seas

Autumn Grasses

Sunset Fades to Dusk

Cinnamon-stick Serenade