Lightning Approaches

Red Mountain Pre-Dawn

Lightning Strike

View of Four Peaks with a #fourpeaks Kiltlifter. Lake life is the good life!

Partly Cloudy

Fountain Hills Fountain

Horseshoe Bend, Arizona

Good Morning, Scottsdale

Four Peaks - Rokinon 50mm f/1.4

Old World Swallowtail

African Moon Moth

Playin' My Tune

SERIOUS 4th of July Fireworks

worth it

Salt River View

After the Rain

The views were great! #CoffeeKen #EarlyBirdRide #environmentaz #visitmesa #borntobunk #divine_deserts #wildernessquest #adventuretoanywhere #letsgosomewhere #bali_wanderlust #travelphoto #trailriding

Buckhorn Cholla flower with Teddy Bear cholla backlit - McDowell Sonoran Preserve


Watch Your Step!

Salt River 'n stuff

Mt. McDowell and the Salt River

Salt River

Red Mountain, Arizona

The Galaxy

Sonoran Desert In Spring


Strike at Saguaro Lake

Sonoran Desert In Bloom

Daily Bread

Arizona Monsoon

Empress Leilia

The landscape becomes the space. #taliesinwest #brilliant

Out on the trail today in Bulldog canyon. #CoffeeKen #arizonahighways #visitmesa #visitarizona #hikingaz #vzco_of_our_world #divine_deserts #borntobunk #dogwood52week5 #dobeglobe #abc15 #azlife

On the trail this morning on the Early Bird Ride. #CoffeeKen #CallistoMorgans #trailriding #outdoors

One Gorgeous Day