... The War of the Worlds ...

... harvest me ...

CN 2517


Big Sky

Pitts Special S2S

Eurasian Wigeon in central Alberta

Scott & Lynn

Panorama off the Back Deck

CN Beamer Spur 14/7/2014

CN Beamer Spur 14/7/2014

North Saskatchewan River Looking Northeast

4513 - 163rd Ave

The Quarry Golf Course

Metallic Landscape

Stand Out

Floating in a Sea of Yellow

Sherritt Switching

Le temps des semences

Falling barn

This morning, after the snow storm in Edmonton..

Just a Barn

Le 31 décembre

Summer Prairie Afternoons (SOTC 363/365)

River Sunset

Canola Field Sunrise_27

Farming in the City

Farming in the City

Before sunrise

Winter Scene in Summerwood

Where the river bends

Lundi matin! / Monday morning!

This morning, after the snow storm in Edmonton.. 2

Thinking Chair