Atlanta Motor Speedway

High In The Grandstands (Atlanta Motor Speedway)

Canon 50mm 1.8 II Test Shot

Believe me when I tell you



City Cafe in Fayetteville after hours

Faces of the Fallen

Jonesboro - Statley Oaks Plantation - Back View

Singing at Spivey Hall

Jonesboro - Statley Oaks Plantation - School - Front View

Jonesboro - Statley Oaks Plantation - Grounds View - Erin

Atlanta Motor Speedway, grandstand view from Speedway Blvd

Atlanta Motor Speedway, grandstand view across from US19

Atlanta Motor Speedway, grandstand and condominiums view from across Weaver Lot

Atlanta Motor Speedway, grandstand view from across condos

Spivey sunrise

My point of view. |RAIN| Sometimes, you can find some peace of mind sitting in the car on a cloudy overcast day. #rain #quiet #peace

#ReclaimingTheCrown continues tomorrow night with "The View: Dialogue Amongst Queens" in the Laker Hall Multipurpose Room. Don't you dare miss it. I'm serious.

Jonesboro - Statley Oaks Plantation - Front View - Erin

Natural Window


#boardwalk #ptc

An Oasis

Nash Farm Battlefield

Newman Wetlands Center

Nash Farm Battlegrounds

Sun setting on my return trip to Atlanta from Pittsburgh

Being a first timer. Naturally I get left behind

Lake Horton

Rural Georgia Home

no title

swan lake...

LB In action! 2

Lake Horton

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Lake Horton

Back at it.

P1320563 EDIT

The Shoreline

Nash Farm Sunrise