Before your very eyes!

Fan Palm

Another view

The waking of the sun

Sunset Tuesday

ReMax Ballunar Liftoff - Nassau Bay, Texas

ReMax Ballunar Liftoff - Nassau Bay, Texas

Shuttle Cockpit

Trees Along The Bayou

Bayou View

The evil eye

Astronaut and MMU, Space Center Houston

Pine Gully Park 8

Bayshore Park

As invisible as you can be

Uneasy Rider

Gone Fishin'

Bay Sunrise - Seabrook, Texas

Armand Bayou

Park View from Trail Bridge_West

Lunar Landing

Bow Wow!

Straggling Freedom

Duck Duck Goose

Final version - Sunrise on the Bay

Basking in the sunlight

2014 Yellow Supermoon at Texas Coastal Bend

Alone with my thoughts

A Quite Morning - Seabrook, Texas

Into the Night

The early bird

Horsepen clog

Parading Past

The perfect end

Flight Path

The Beginning

Seabrook Shipyard - Seabrook, Texas


Dickinson Bayou at Night