Magic Ice Mushroom on the Boardman River (GTNER 4/4)

1919 Case 65 HP Steam Traction Engine, the roofless model (at the Buckley Old Engine Show) [BOES 3/9]

A Fine Day in the Forest (Interlochen State Park 3/4)

The Forest Through the Lake (RLNA 2/8)

1911 Avery 40-120 HP Steam Traction Engine (at the Buckley Old Engine Show) [BOES 2/9]

One Beautiful Duck (Interlochen State Park 4/4)

Steam-Powered Whistle Tower at the Buckley Old Engine Show [BOES 9/9]

A Sunny Day on the Trail (Interlochen State Park 2/4)

Gas & Kerosene-powered Tractors (at the Buckley Old Engine Show) [BOES 1/9]

1/2 Scale Version of the 65 HP Case Steam Traction Engine (at the Buckley Old Engine Show) [BOES 4/9]

1938 Fordson Row Crop (“All-Around”) Tractor (at the Buckley Old Engine Show) [BOES 6/9]

Rent-a-Tipi -- At the Interlochen State Park

Ice Foot at the Boardman River (GTNER 1/4)

Dual Dynamic Range at Silver Lake Recreation Area [SLRA 1/3]

It's the Berries [SLRA 2/3]

Fall Leaves Such Lovely Color... (RLNA 7/8)

Found -- one Lost Lake! [Lost Lake Pathway 2/7]

Threading a Path Through the Pine Needles [Lost Lake Pathway 7/7]

Looking Over the Overlook on the Boardman River (GTNER 3/4)

Bright Winter Sun on the Boardman! (GTNER 2/4)

Lost Lake Pathway [Lost Lake Pathway 3/7]

The Last Leaf at Lost Lake [Lost Lake Pathway 4/7]

Forest Above / Forest Below (RLNA 5/8)

green lake sunset II VIEW LARGE

Listen my children and you shall hear...

Ransom Creek Source

River Water Rocks!

Sunrise Over Long Lake

Fall Reflections / Autumn Recollections (RLNA 6/8)

tonight's sunset

color @ the high rollaways

The Glory of Fall (RLNA 4/8)

Autumn at Ransom Lake (RLNA 1/8)

Fall in Northern Michigan