Balancing Act

EEEeek! A pesky photographer!

The Stoic

Pretty Please….?!?!?!?!?

Stink Eye

Balancing Act II

Master of all I Survey!

When you got an itch....

Bring It!

What's goin' on?

No way, Dude!

Sibling Rivalry

Seashells - - - Captiva, Florida

Aerial Photo of Costa Cayo Island, Florida

Muscovy Duck in a Canal Behind the House at Cape Coral, Florida

A lovely view - good night

It's been a long hot summer ..

The View from the Bokeelia Fishing Pier

Sunset View from Bokeelia

Burrowing Owl

Storms on the horizon

Friday Sunset ????

the wise heron [explore]

Sunset on Captiva

Captiva Beach

Bokeelia Fishing Pier

Birds, Cape Coral

It's raining again

Peaceful Beach

Captiva Island Beach Chairs

Never ending summer

Have a good night

Bokeelia Sunset

sunny ☀️

Matlacha Sunset

Fire In The Sky

Sunset Malatcha Florida

Afternoon Thunderstorm

Captiva Sunrise

Beach Day

Sunset in December in FL

Gulf Coast Dreams