Abandoned Railroad Trestle

Autumn On The Monocacy

2021 10-19 1036-6 AMTK P42DC-161 E/B P-030 Hancock, WV, PA

On A Clear Day

Winter at Tonoloway Creek

Rail Switch

I'm On The Road Again...Well... Not Really! I'm Just Standing...Sorta...Jus Hangin Around!!!!

Grey Elephants

Fall day at Tonoloway Creek Aqueduct

2024 01-30 1123-93 CSX-MONON ES44AH-1897, CSX-NYC ES44AH-1853 E/B M-216, Hancock, WV

2021 07-05 1137-91 CSX ES44AH-3194 E/B Q-016-04 Hancock, WV

Old Amtrak Station

Wrong Turn To Berkely Springs

View from Sideling Hill

Dinner and a movie?

Sideling Hill cut

What Men Really Dream About

Interstate 68 cut through Sideling Hill [04]

Footbridge over Interstate 68 at Sideling Hill

Rainstorm near Sideling Hill cut

Interstate 68 cut through Sideling Hill [01]

Sideling Hill

Trees see the forest #Landscape

Maryland Hills & Clouds

The Sideling Hill Road Cut on Interstate 68 in Western Maryland. A Roadside Rest Area

Sideling Hill Road Cut on Interstate 68 in Western Maryland

Interstate 68 cut through Sideling Hill [03]

Looking East From Sideling Hill

Amtrak Heritage On The East End

Seidling Hill (1)

Sideling Hill road cut, Maryland

appalachian country

Day 281 - West Virginia, Mountain Momma, Take Me Home

Sideling Hill road cut, along I-68/US 40 in western Maryland

Sideling Hill Syncline

Sideling Hill road cut on I-68

Interstate 68 through Sideling Hill [08]

Sideling Hill roadcut

Interstate 68 through Sideling Hill [10]

The Devil's Eyebrow

Seidling Hill_Panorama2