DSC_0042 Primula

DSC_0891 Baby Mallard on the Village Pond

Wasp (3)

Stained Glass window Ornament (3) with my New Nikon D3200

17 of 31 - Morning Blues

Forgetmenots (3) The flowers is the size of my little finger nail

Red Admiral Butterflie (47) Press L and see it's tongue getting the nectar

Moorhen Reflection (2) hay you what you doing down there

Manderin Male Juvenile (43)

Blackbird Taken through window and branches in the tree (3)

Pheasant (1) Male

Mallard Male 1

Two Baby Pigeons on nest outside our front room window

House Sparrow (17) Male singing its head of

Two Baby Pigeons with Mum outside our front room window

Wood Pigeon on a Nest (51) Taken while sitting in my arm chair through front room window

Crow the Nest Raider took the dove Eggs last week and taken through the front room window

Wild Hare (1)

Watering cans in the churchyard

Common Garden Spider (1) Underside

Pigeon nest outside our front room window Can see one egg there as the male takes over for the day shift

Rule Of Thirds

WPG Field Trip.

35mm of Rain in last 24 Hours (10) No one to use the jumps today

Essex Wallersea Island.

Glebe School

The Broomway

Irregular Spacing

WPG Autumn Colours.

Lone Tree

November Dawn.

WPG Autumn Colours Challenge.

WPG Calendar.

Untiled field

Taking Flight [explored!]

November Dawn.

Hadleigh Castle

WPG Field Trip.

Hoverfly (Eupeodes latifasciatus)

Leigh on Sea Groyne

They Started the Harvest here today in Great Wakering Essex on the Wheat and the Church Spire in the back ground
