Blue Ridge Parkway

Urban Still Life--Roanoke

N&W 1776 (2)

Leucauge venusta, Orchard orbweaver, Troutville, Virginia

Day 13- Interior

Norfolk And Western 611 Steam train

View from Colorado's La Plata Peak. We're not quite to the summit when this image was taken

Testing Nikon Coolpix AW100

Sunset over Roanoke HDR Pano


Verrucosa arenata, Arrowhead spider, Troutville, Virginia

Dipsacus fullonum, Fuller's teasel, Troutville, Virginia

Euthochtha galeator, Helmeted squash bug, Troutville, Virginia

NS 530, Roanoke

Tenodera angustipennis (tentative), Narrow-winged mantis, Troutville, Virginia

Polistes exclamans, Brown paper wasp, Troutville, Virginia

JCPenney (Valley View Mall)

McAfee Knob

A View of Twelve O'Clock Knob from West Hill Cemetery, February 8, 2017.

2016 02-11 1421 NS C40-8.5W-8501 S/B 995 at Roanoke, VA

Rocks and Water

Looking at Roanoke

Behind the Scenes on the Cherry Blossom Trail

back to the home you made on the mountainside

Virginia 611 Excursion California Zephyr Silver Solarium IMG_5383

McAfees Knob Full Moon Rising Reflection

Last Summer Sunset

Virginia 611 Excursion Return to Roanoke IMG_5902

2005.12.20.02726 Roanoke Winter Twilight

Virginia 611 Excursion Return to Roanoke IMG_5491

Day 84 -- Blue sunset

Under the bridge on a kayak

Lunar-Lit Landscape

Make Hay...

Happy Solstice!

Another Spring Snowy Sunset

See You Later Summer
