Tennessee River Bridge - Perryville, Tennessee

Commodore Hotel - Linden, Tennessee

Perry County, TN Courthouse - Linden, TN

View of the Tennessee River from Lady Finger Bluff

Tennessee River

Misty River

The View from Shelter 2

Cove on the Tennessee River at Lady's Bluff Small Wild Area - June 22, 2013

Sunset on the Tennessee River at Shelter #2

Mousetail Landing SP & Lady's Bluff - January 31, 2015

Mousetail Landing Eagle Point Trail Shelter #1

Mousetail Landing State Park - June 22, 2013

Sunset on the Tennessee River at Shelter #2

Mousetail Landing Eagle Point Trail Shelter #2

Mousetail Landing State Park - June 2, 2012

Lady's Bluff overlooking the Tennessee River

Mousetail Landing Eagle Point Trail Shelter #2

Lady's Bluff Overlooking the Tennessee River (Panorama)

Backpacking Weekend

Mousetail Landing Eagle Point Trail Shelter #2

Lady's Bluff overlooking the Tennessee River

Mousetail Landing Eagle Point Trail Shelter #2 Panorama

Mousetail Landing SP & Lady's Bluff Trail Maps

Sunset on the Tennessee River at Shelter #2

Mousetail Landing Eagle Point Trail Shelter #2

Lady's Bluff overlooking the Tennessee River

Parrish Cemetary