20160424_F0001: Bridges across Danish islands

Image of Skys.

Clouds folding on the sun.

20180117_154118-View to Tystrup Lake

Tree sculptures, the nature way.

The mist of set.

Well then, let us hope for wind tomorrow.

20180322_142833 - A scenic view to the opening where the deer like to grass

I'm still standing!

Geese anual.

IMG_9250 The Lone Tree - View to the south - to the woods

Staircase Exit

Enø after sunset

Cormorants on fishing stakes

DSC_5274 - View at Holsteinborg

20171001_184404-Bisserup havn-PANO


20180208_140128 - Icy View - Fields north of Rejnstrup and Bavelse lake and Church

IMG_9680 - View to the fields 3

20180508_164024 - View to the canola fields - from the woods

DSC_1096 - View from the woods

Road to....

20160519_151640 - Dark clouds over the Rapseed fields at Højbjerg, South Zealand

Blue Sunset

20160421_F0001: Afternoon waters in south Zealand

20180322_154424 - Creek running down to Tystrup Lake!!! A moment later: A Whitetailed Eagle ...

20160519_152114 - Dark clouds over the Rapseed fields at Højbjerg, South Zealand

20180207_150140 - Smiling (left wood log) at the bend !

20160519_150604 - Dark clouds over the Rapseed fields at Højbjerg, South Zealand

Knudshoved Odde


20160523_155310 - Trees in the woods of Tvedevænge, Rejnstrup

20160519_150220 - The woods and Rapseed fields at Højbjerg, South Zealand

20160519_151900 - Dark clouds over the Rapseed fields at Højbjerg, South Zealand

Spidsen, Knudshoved Odde

On the edge

20160519_150458 - clouds over the Rapseed fields at Højbjerg, South Zealand

20160519_151910 - Dark clouds over the Rapseed fields at Højbjerg, South Zealand

Under the tree tops