Arkader -|- Archs

A sofa with a view

Standing Tall

This could be the last one

Utsikt fra Akvariet i Bergen

Bergen Blues

Snow in Bergen

Love with a View

"Oliver&Bella last day together"

The other direction

Music from Heaven

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Don't insult the witch

Panorama view of Bergen

Monday Morning

~ We do not remember days; we remember moments ~

~ When you aim for perfection, you discover it's a moving target ~

"Laws are spider webs through which the big flies pass and the little ones get caught"

Bergen Blues

Bergen by night

~ If nothing ever changed, there'd be no butterflies ~ Unknown ~

Enchanted Forest

Bergen 04 March 2015-0003.jpg

The creek


The Island

Knappasundet II

House on the Hill

Crystal Clear Lake

24/365 The blue hour...

21 May 2012 115_tonemapped.jpg

Bryggen, Bergen, Norway.

"King" of the hill!

City of Bergen south

Rester av tåke over byen: tåkebanker

Colores del bosque

Bergen 04 March 2015-0056.jpg

Fløyfjellet Bergen

Fløyfjellet Bergen

Bergen's Golden Harbour

Bergen (16).jpg