Snail Kite Landing

I think we're a little low...someone check our altitude!

Limpkin Chicks and Mommy

Ford Speedster

De-Light-Ful Caddy

Highland Lake

Newborn Portrait Mute Swan Cygnats

49 Chevy P/U

1 Fine 59

Now THAT'S a Camaro !!!!!

Jimmy's Got The Blues

Bank of Central Florida

Satin Black

Edsel Ranger

Brown Anole [Explored]

It's A Mint Caddy !


English Ford

1941 Chevy Deluxe

Chevy Nomad

Blew-By-You .

Anhinga (Anhinga anhinga)

On the way to Sun 'n Fun International Fly-In and Expo

Before the rolling storm

Fire Pit

Chamber of Commerce Kind of Day...

Sunrise on the track...landscape

Dragonfly - Roseate Skimmer (Orthemis ferruginea, F: Libellullidae)

HDR sunset 10-25

See the eye?

End of a grey day

Hollis Garden

Dock in the lake

Another morning at Lake Hollingsworth.

Abandoned Pier

Florida Southern College

Drainage Canal to Lake Parker

Alafia River

D McIntosh Jr Power Plant

sunrise in Lakeland

Hollis Gardens

Spiderwort, Lakeland Florida 2