Bamboo trees and leaves

She Grows Up

Willow tree; 杨柳

18th hole

Charity Village

OTW to my home sweet home..

Morning at the public park.

Early morning ..The oxidation pond.

OTW to my home sweet home..

my engagement

At the public park..

My daughter (using Xperia Z superior auto mode. Unedited)/_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

F. U (my first crappy self-portrait)----------------------------------------(My digital sketch using a cheap Apple i Phone Pen + Sony Xperia Z + Sketchbook Mobile App ) /_____________________________________________________________________________________

" TERTULIS DI TETULANG MU " / " WRITTEN ON YOUR BONES "---------(My digital sketch using a cheap Apple i Phone Pen + Sony Xperia Z + Sketchbook Mobile App + My Imagimation) such a crap. IDK Wtf was it until my last stroke/_________________________________