Layang-Layang, Johor


All Photos-1341

Somewhere in Malaysia near Pekan Nanas.

Authentic Hakka Lei Cha and Yong Tau Fu

Singapore Chinatown-16


Layang-Layang, Johor

Sedenak, Johor

The origin place of Hakka dumplings at Kelapa Sawit village

The making of Hakka dumplings 客家菜粄

Hakka Dumplings 客家菜粄 Freshly cooked from steamer but all fully booked before 12 noon. Hmm... missed the taste so much...

Yummy YTF; brinjal and tofu

Hakka Dumplings 客家菜粄

Yummy foods at Kelapa Sawit

For want of a durian #durianride #fzs600 #offroad #biking2017

Gunung Pulai

2018-02-19 09.08.05 1

#banana #bananacake #thailand #bangkok #gift #souvenirs #owed #thanksgiving #newpackaging #import #surprise #limitededition #limited

发现属于我自己的徽章!!! 这是什么习性的徽章呢?勇气? 希望? 爱情? 友情? 诚实?智慧 ? 光明? #digimon #数码宝贝 #数码徽章 #digimonadventuretri


Pergi tengok kebun nenek kat pt tengah darat

Life :)