Richelieu Park in Fall

The Fountains...Place du Cardinal/Grand Rue, Richelieu

Home sweet home

Canal view

Front view of the Sainte chapelle

familiar view

Church view from garden

view of the chapelle in 1699

Side view of the bridge

full view of the ceiling

Town Gate (South)...

Tracteur INTERNATIONAL 523 Diesel (Détail)

Champigny Street View

Champigny Street View

Sunset lightshow 1, Savigny-sous-Faye, France

Sunset lightshow 3, Savigny-sous-Faye, France

Sunset lightshow 5, Savigny-sous-Faye, France

Sunset lightshow 6, Savigny-sous-Faye, France

Sunset lightshow 7, Savigny-sous-Faye, France

Sunset lightshow 8, Savigny-sous-Faye, France

Sunset lightshow 9, Savigny-sous-Faye, France

Amanita rubescens - Amanite rougissante, Golmotte

Road to nowhere

Countryside by car

Coprinus lagopus - Coprin pied de lièvre

Leccinum scabrum - Bolet rude

Parc du château de Richelieu

in the shade

A bridge on the canal

Richelieu - Parc du château : Bassin aux carpes et entrée d'honneur

Richelieu - Parc du château : Bassin aux carpes et entrée d'honneur

Touraine in Spring

Fields At Les Taupins

Ce petit chemin

Parc Richelieu

Blé à Faye

wheat field

Mable river transformed into a canal

2003.04.09 Trip Frankrijk

Mable canal
