Merryville, Louisiana Town Hall and Library

Welcome to DeRidder Sign (DeRidder, Louisiana)

Post Office 70653 (Merryville, Louisiana)

Camping on a stage

Garfunkel and Simon! LOL

Chris and Dylan

The Johnson boys

Rob and Lisa

Rob and me

Rob and his 2 sons

dyl 2

dyl 3

dyl 4

Deep in Thought

Ever the good driver, Maddy Jitters looks both ways before proceeding. #checkyourrevstoo

What can wash away my sin? Nothing but some Jergens soap that looks like a little Bible, apparently.

A little minute to win it action.

Grumpy Christmas Cat has a ton of Spirit to Spare.

Maddy is part mountain goat. And @justjessa10 is unhappy.

This screwdriver won't mean anything to anyone except @natchitochesman I found it in my MaMaw's cabinet.

Jesus is making sure this media is appropriate to watch. #mediaJesus