Midnight in a Perfect World During the Summer Solstice

Valley Forge - Maurice Stephens House (Rear Spring or Milk House Field View)

Chanticleer People

Summer's End

Building 17 at Norristown State Hospital

Rainy Tax Day Vignette (1/3)

365/Day16 - View From My "Office"

PRR 8479

T REX (remains)

From B+W to color (Trichromy 6/7)

Meadow Near George Washington's Headquarters

Moonlit Gardens

End of an Era

Chanticleer Gardens

After The Rain

Inverted View

Pawlings Revisited

Chester Co Barn-House_6558.jpg

Lynn M - Pinked I

Happy New Year!

Valley Forge Home


black rock sanctuary

Late Spring afternoon II

Old Beech Tree

Late Afternoon Sun at Valley Forge

Smoke on the Water


Valley Forge - Sigma 50mm F1.4 Art - Canon 5D Mark IV

Winter Cornfield

Autumn Bench 4

Southern view from Outer Line Defenses

The Maple Grove

Valley Forge - 24-105mm F4L - Canon 5D Mark IV

Carpet of gold

Love at Valley Forge

September 17th

Before all were gone

January 2008 - Frozen Run-Off