Transformer - Selfridges Birmingham

#Hyatt Recency viewed across the #Birmingham #Canal

UK - Birmingham - Library of Birmingham 20_DSC4011


Corporation Street Birmingham 1962

221/365 - St Mary's Church in Astley! (Finished image after Editing)

168002 on Bordesley viaduct

Selfridges? (Explore)

A clear divide

Bird at sunset

20170305_Elmdon Manor

Dreamland II

UK - Birmingham - Library of Birmingham 20_sq_DSC4011

Blue Lines

Colours And Reflections

Where the moonlight swims

20170205_A view of trees

A place for all seasons

220/365 - Back at the Church! (Finished image after Editing)

moon lit trainline

UK - Birmingham - Library of Birmingham interior 19_DSC3979

Ephemeral Shine

Summer 2013 *Loading*

15-365 year3 Colour Coordinated

Deep in the frosty heart of England

Oceanus Procellarum..................{Explore}

Mare Serenitatis...................

Pebbledash! {Explore} + Front Page

day 173 - who ya gonna call?


The Wind and the Rain

Parkhill Wood, Atherstone

Babbs Mill sunset

20141130_Morning Dew

Liquid Sunshine.............

Drifting along.

Sutton Lake

Im Off, said the duck

Reflections on Brueton


The Ford with red sky