The Accordian Player.

Rancho Lomitas, Starr Co, TX

Corpus Christ

Happy Mother's Day! (tomorrow) y ¡Feliz Día de las Madres! (el martes) ❤️X2

Green Parakeet


What an awesome day to ride #biker #bikers #bikerworld #bikers_life #BrotherHood #riograndecity

Alcaudón VerdugoLanius ludovicianus Loggerhead Shrike

Alcaudón Verdugo, Lanius ludovicianus, Loggerhead Shrike

Now leaving Starrconia and the Starrconians behind.

Rio Grande City’s Historic Grotto of Lourdes

Helping a friend clear up his techno-junk, when suddenly... #4countthem4cuecats

Meanwhile, at the end of a rainbow ... RGC? #whut