Another Bridge in the Distance

The Main Attraction, 2014.01.10

Along the Susquehanna River

The Birds

Fallen Tree

Ice-encrusted Rocks, 2014.01.10

Ice Daggers, 2014.01.10

A Christmas sunrise from Pennsylvania. Merry Christmas! #Christmas #PAsunrise #sunrise #Pennsylvania

Ice-plastered, 2014.01.10

Pocono Sunrise

Rebecca & Ian

The Icy Edges, 2014.01.10

Morning Light

Newton View

the pier that won't give up

Little Rocky Glen Preserve (1)

Flood_18SEP04 014

20140419_200112_Marshwood Bend

A Calm Susquehanna River

Backlit Hemlocks (alternate),2012.11.14

Little Rocky Glen Preserve (2)