Our view

3D-05-30-08-0033a corn is up

3D-05-30-08-0036a beans are up

JimF_06-23-10-0035a late sun on geese

JimF_06-23-10-0057af nice lake shore path

JimF_06-23-10-0050a 1 of the 4 cabins available

JimF_06-23-10-0033ab goose sternwheeler

JimF_06-23-10-0056a nice lake shore path

JimF_06-23-10-0040a fishing

3D-05-30-08-0031a pleasant afternoon

JimF_06-23-10-0042a fishing

JimF_06-23-10-0052a boat launched

JimF_06-23-10-0039af fishing

Cool clouds over the sunset

Cool clouds over the sunset

Cool clouds over the sunset

Cool clouds over the sunset

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Sunset & Fog Over the Water

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