A grainfield on my way

Building facade Rosenberg

Game of Shadows

Sunset in Neuburg

Artificial entity from below

Fog Spirits, the children of autumn


And right in the fog a tree!

the beauty of tension

Artificial Hill

the beauty of mother nature


H E L L O S U N D A Y!

Calatrava twist

Night view of Fraumunster | Explore

Windy evening in Neuenburg

Incoming train on the VIADUKT

An indescribable experience on the Limmat

I Love Summer

The beginning of Wülflingen

Sunrays on the VIADUKT

love light

Just Blue and Green

Morning sun

the lightfinder

Happy New Year!

Full of Light

christmas circus in downtown switzerland

one week older

Always the same trees

Sunny Road

through my eyes

In attesa per il largo

joy & light