bakery-deli area, Jan. 31, 2015

Kroger Batesville Mississippi

Batesville Bell - Reverse angle view

New fuel center, viewed from the edge of the yellow danger line

Meat department, looking from the edge of frozen foods

pharmacy side view

milk-dairy corner, Jan. 10 2015

Deli corner, May 2014

The new, "Bell in your face" view

View of some of the front registers

Pharmacy-Bakery transition, January 2015

Jan. 10, 2015 "We come" to (Batesville MS) Kroger front sign was still here

One more shot at the Produce sign (viewed from the dairy area)

04c Batesville Taco Bell, in your face front view

Meat &...

Pharmacy (side view)

Bakery Deli (reverse angle view)

Batesville Taco Bell, reverse angle view

Taco Bell, rear view

Haul off this Ole Miss awning for only $199!

Ultra-mod Taco Bell

Yeah! Winter is coming!!! (Which begets Fall, which is more rad)

Long Branch Creek; Yalobusha County, Mississippi

McCullar Peach Orchard

Woods East of Chickasaw Hill on Lake Enid

Enid Lake

Long Branch Cemetery