Another & Another

Long Lost Friend

The Weigh-In

You're Never Too Old to Play With #Bubbles....!

Another #Trinity #River shot, #Fortworth #Texas (from the other night I got lost...).

Slaughterhouse Rubble

The Texas Blue-Step

Pollock-Capps House, Fort Worth

West Fork of the Trinty River, Fort Worth Texas

I wandered until the stars went dim. - 16

UP 8005 ES44AC

Fort Worth - Diner Neon

Van Gogh's Road

Tandy Lady #1

Going Down

Trinity River, River Legacy Park, Arlington

Modern Art Museum - Fort Worth, TX (2)

Lines in the Sky

signs of the season

A night view of Linwood, Fort Worth. Texas. © ®

broad reach

The Trinity

West 7th Street Bridge, Fort Worth

Fort Worth Moonrise

Another Prison Break photo!

Fort Worth in the distance

You Were All I Ever Really Wanted

Okay! 50 minutes left of this day (i.e., #texastuesday)! Sooo..... I wanted to edit this again- a #repost from about a year ago! This began as a photo and morphed into a #painting of sorts- my first attempt at something truly "#artsy" as far as freestyle

UP 1859 - Roanoke Texas

Some AM Texas #fog!

7th street bridge in sunset color

The Duel

Another #Season, Another Cycle of the infamous #Texas #Storms approacheth...! Or at least I hope so! I love the excitement that they seem to bring forth out of the landscape and living creatures... (I've heard the pre-storm "friskiness" results from a hi

Water Gardens

KCSM 4094 - Saginaw TX

KCS 4141 west

Father Time has Lost a Battle Another Against the Ravages of Mother Nature

Father Time has Lost a Battle Another Against the Ravages of Mother Nature

Mementos and Recuerdos

Fort Worth Water Gardens