First Light at the old Pier. (Primera Luz).

Sunset at the Lake. (Atardecer en el Lago).

Sunrise at the Lake. (Amanecer en el Lago).

The Humble Tree. (El Árbol humilde).

A section of the old pier. (Una seccion del muelle viejo).

SuperMoon over the Lake. (Super Luna 1).

Florida eye view

A door to the Past (Una puerta al pasado).

A Gemini Spring Portra. (Portra y mi parque favorito).

North shore of Florida's Lake Monroe -view is to the north,north west #Htconem8 #Florida #LakeMonroe

Green Spring

An Enterprise Sunset. (Atardecer). (Explored).

Green Spring

A ride to the Past. (Un Viaje al Pasado).

St Johns River-Lake Monroe, Florida

Lake Monroe, Florida

Day 366: Back to Earth. (De regreso a la Tierra.) (366/366)

Day 313: Abandon Gas Station. Gasolinera abandonada) (313/366)

2007-01-20 4914

cleaning up

2007-01-19 4903

Dreaming on the Past. (Soñando el pasado).

Forever autumn (Otoño para siempre).

Mission In The Rain

Seems so long I felt this way and time sure passin' slow

You ain't got time to call your soul a critic no

At a Distance. (A la Distancia).

The wind in the willows playing tea for two

Lake Monroe

Let the world go by, all lost in dreaming

The music never stopped.

These cypresses are always occupying my thoughts. Vincent Van Gogh

Twenty degrees of solitude, twenty degrees in all

Way down, down, down by the docks of the city

Green Spring Park

Windy at Lake Monroe