Fields and trees seen from Rue du Four, Flavigny-sur-Ozerain - electricity pylons

Fields and trees seen from Rue du Four, Flavigny-sur-Ozerain - electricity pylons

Chemin de l'Esplanade, Flavigny-sur-Ozerain - Statue of Père Lacordaire

Rear view, Half-track, Nod-sur-Seine, Côte-d'Or, France.

La France des Sous-Préfectures 21

Fontenay Abbey - The Jail House and the The Dormitory

Fields and trees seen from Rue du Trop Chaud, Flavigny-sur-Ozerain - distant farm buildings

Fields and trees seen from Rue du Trop Chaud, Flavigny-sur-Ozerain - distant farm buildings


The Transept looking north to the statue of Our Lady of Fontenay

Rue du Four, Flavigny-sur-Ozerain - Rue du Trop Chaud



Fontenay Abbey - The Layman's Chapel and the Bakery - View of The Lodgings of the Commendatory Abbots and The Seguin Gallery

Forge Building

Fontenay Abbey chuch viewed from the north west

View from the Monk's room out through the cloisters.

Rear view of principal buildings

21450 Chaume-lès-Baigneux (Explorer) "2014"

Printemps en Côte d'Or (France)

Voie lactée

2017 - 11 - Karoll - 155 - Alésia

2017 - 11 - Karoll - 156 - Alésia

Le Brévon étang de la Chouette (Aisey-sur-Seine) "2018"

40 La ville gallo-romaine d'Alésia

Le château-fort de Villaines-en-Duesmois "2015"

Le Brévon, Rochefort-sur-Brévon "2015"

Entre 21150 Lucenay-le-Duc et 21450 Chaume-lès-Baigneux "2014"

Eglise de Villaines-en-Duesmois "2015"

Le château-fort de Villaines-en-Duesmois 21450 "2014"







Couleurs automnales

Renard en vadrouille 1 "mulotage".
